Loving as Christ loves, serving as Christ serves
In the spirit of building community in the light of Christ we will
This Plan is the product of a community-wide effort by a parish intent on celebrating its faith through liturgy, faith formation, lay development and outreach to the surrounding Mudichur – Holy Family Church area. These roots are reflected throughout the Plan and in the path that we have set for our future. The philosophies of Shared Leadership and Servant Leadership are core principles in this parish. With the limited number of priests available to serve us, we - as individuals and as a community - must continue to share a portion of the parish responsibilities in support of our pastor and clergy. By taking on more responsibility and leadership, we do so in service of each other and our Holy family community.
This is an ambitious Plan. To ensure we achieve the Goals and Objectives, Advocates have been identified for every Objective. It is intended that Objectives be carried out through the efforts of a ministry, a committee or a group of passionate parishioners. The role of the Advocate is to ensure that the collective efforts of the parish address the Objectives in a timely and effective manner. This Parish Pastoral Plan was developed and will be implemented keeping several external assumptions in mind. We expect the existing demographic and economic trends influencing Holy family Catholic Church will continue for at least the next 5 years. We expect that the population in our area will grow, while also continuing to age. We believe that there will be an increasing divergence between the wealthy and the poor, with an affluent professional population, as well as a population living in economic stress or clear poverty. When our parish was newly formed, it relied on the combined efforts of many small groups to achieve its goals. This is a principle that we embrace and utilise throughout this Plan.
Because Small groups are the building blocks of a Spirit-guided parish; the intent is to leverage their strength and cohesiveness to successfully implement the Plan. Each of us has a unique understanding of our parish, our faith and how to serve one another. In order to become the parish that God intends for us to be, we must rely on our shared faith in
Response to the Spirit the Parish Pastoral Plan calls for us to build our collective understanding and awareness by learning about our faith, our community and ourselves. By learning and celebrating our faith together, we will foster the development of one faith community that is “loving as Christ loves, serving as Christ serves.”
Parish Priest
(Rev. Fr. J. Michael Alexander)
Pastoral Program of the Holy Family Church
Organisation of Poll watcher’s
Catholic Parish Library (CPL)
Faith Formation Programme (FFP)
Family Life
Family picnics
Social Justice