Enthronement of the Bible in Your Home.

"The Church has always venerated the divine Scriptures as she venerated the Body of the Lord: both nourish and govern the whole Christian life." CCC, 141.

‘Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.’ CCC, 133

"In Sacred Scripture, the Church constantly finds her nourishment and her strength;" CCC,104

The Bible is no longer a closed, dusty book on the shelves of Catholic homes. More and more we are realizing that the Bible is truly the Book of the Church -- to be honored, read, and proclaimed. It is the story of our ancestors; it is the family album of the people of God. The sacred Scriptures are at the very core of being Catholic. Throughout the long history of our church, the book of the Scriptures has been the honored symbol of God's living word present in our midst. The open Bible—enthroned at church councils, in cathedrals and parish churches, and in Christian homes—bespeaks a rich tradition. This tradition continued through the Second Vatican Council where the Scriptures were enthroned as a sign of Christ's presence during the deliberations in St. Peter's Basilica, Rome.

We can continue this ancient tradition of Bible enthronement in our own homes. Just as we set the sacred Scriptures in a place of honor in our churches, we can place the Holy Bible in an honorable location in our homes. The Bible enthroned in Catholic homes is a continual reminder that God's word speaks to us in the joys and struggles of everyday life. It can bring comfort, challenge, inspiration, and guidance to every home.

Find a suitable reverent place in your house where the Bible can be kept, may be a bookstand, altar or table. You may add other sacramentals to this display such as a candle, crucifix, icon, flowers or plants.

Leader: We gather together in our home to honor the Book of the Church, the sacred Scriptures. We believe that through these inspired writings, God speaks to us. We believe that through the word of God we are taught, encouraged, and challenged. We pray that this enthroned Bible may be for us a constant reminder to seek God's word, to learn from its saving truth, and to apply it to our lives each day.

Let us pray...

All: Ever-living God, we long for your presence and we thirst for your word. Send your Holy Spirit so that the Bible can be for us a source of spiritual growth and strength. Give us a deep love for the sacred Scriptures so that we may know your truth, grow in love for you, and follow your way more faithfully.

Commitment to the Word of God.

Leader: Do you believe that the Creator of the world spoke the word to the people of ancient Israel for the salvation of all the nations?

All: I do.

Leader: Do you believe that the Word of God was made flesh and continues to live among us as the Good News for all?

All: I do.

Leader: Do you believe that God sent the Holy Spirit among us to lead us to truth and to guide our understanding of God's word?

All: I do.

Leader: I invite you to approach the Bible individually and place your hands upon it. This is a sign of our personal commitment to seek the word of life in the Scriptures.

All approach the Bible, place their hands on its open pages, and pray a silent prayer of personal commitment.

Leader: Let us now offer one another a sign of the peace of Christ.

Let us pray.

All: Loving God, help us to open our eyes, our ears, our minds, and our hearts. May we always welcome your word of life, as you come to us with your wisdom, your truth, and your love. Amen.

Leader: We end with Glory be... ... ...


As you begin a regular practice of Bible reading, dedicate a specific place and commit yourself to a quiet time. Symbols such as a candle or crucifix may help you stay focused. Always begin with prayer, asking God to open your mind and heart for a genuine encounter with the word.

Commitment to the Word of God.

When reflecting on a biblical passages, follow four steps:

  1. Observation (What does the passage say?)
  2. Interpretation (What does the passage mean?)
  3. Reflection (What does it mean to me? my life? my relationships? my faith?)
  4. Application (What am I going to do about it?)

May this enthronement of Bible bring love, peace, charity, forgiveness and harmony in your homes.